between small town and agglomeration
The most common definition of a city is a place where the average citizen is mainly engaged in industry and services, runs „urban lifestyle”; a place characterized by a greater density of people, which favours the quantity and variety of interpersonal contacts.
According to statistics, there are approximately 900 such places in Poland: towns, small cities, and large agglomerations. Poland Lab will focus on medium-sized cities, whose population is higher than 20 thousand, but does not exceed 100 thousand residents.
What exactly is a medium-sized city? It is „so-so”, „neither large nor small”, remaining on the margin of important discussion and development processes, taken outside the area of interest and activities of internal and external stimuli to the development *. NGO initiatives are aimed at the village; important cultural projects are being developed in urban areas and large cities. Where are the medium-sized cities? How to fully use their potential? What role in strengthening this potential may aware, active, socially conscious young people have? These questions will be the starting point of our laboratory.
*Magdalena Kubecka „Takie sobie miasta. Kultura średnich miast”, Respublica, 20.07.2011,dostęp 21.09.2016